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Alexander Fleming Institute

On the 25th of June,the Alexander Fleming Institute opened its doors to 300 guests to celebrate the opening of the art@hospital initiative.
All artworks were represented in an animated video by Matias Donda and Nico Posse composed his music to go with each image shown.The effect was spectacular and guests realized they were treated to an unique experience.
All artist who have donated their works were present as well as the Ambassadors of Australia, Netherlands, Indonesia, Portugal and Switzerland. Vanessa Noble Herrera. Maria and Jorge Zorreguita, the parents of Maxima celebrated with us as guests of honour .
Nicoline du Mée, wife of the late Pedro Oliveira had traveled from Australia to be with us , seeing with great emotion that Pedro’s last wish has been set in motion and has drawn such a huge response from all walks of life. She was very touched by all the generosity towards art@hospital, it is a wonderful tribute to her late husband and she hopes it will inspire many similar efforts all over the world.
WE thank the Alexander Fleming Institute for their collaboration during the past months and their generosity to make theart@hospital celebration a truly festive occasion This past week we experienced a very emotional “ First” in our quest to bring art into hospitals.
80 artists have kindly been donating one or several of their artworks to the Alexander Fleming Institute . We, the team art@hospital, Gisella du Mée, Diana Eloff and Andrea Schwirtz have been hanging their works over 5 floors in the hospital. Physically we were on a low after 3 days running up and down many staircases, carrying heavy paintings but mentally we were on a high of our lifetime.
The hospital made it possible for us to have free access to all parts so we were in constant contact with doctors, nurses and most important of all: the patients themselves
Often we let the patients chose which work they would like to see in the many different waiting rooms and their involvement, their smiles, their comments and gratitude made our days. It made the physical effort melt like snow under the sun, to revert to a cliché: it gave us wings and we simply forgot about tired feet and shoulders.
WE assure all artist that their work has been hung with uttermost care and input from everybody, so if you find your work in a tiny room or on a grey pillar or in a dark passage, please trust us that these are important places for patients.

One painting came in at the last moment from an artist I have never even met, he had read the website and contacted me, his painting shows a colourful naive head with wings instead of ears ,saying “ wish you were here” .... and it made my mind go back to where I started, “Pedro’s last wish” has been granted... he died 7 months ago and look where we are now.... with sheer determination and the incredibly generous response of these 80 artists we have achieved what many thought impossible.
We thank all our participating artists again and hope to see you at the festive inauguration on the 25th of June at the Alexander Fleming Institute.
We thank the entire team of the Hospital, President Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo Rubinstein for having an open mind, we thank the General Manager Dr. Guillermo Seresi and his team for coordinating and helping the project to work smoothly. 
Last not least a very special thank you goes to Dr. Matias Chacon who heard about the newly founded art@hospital initiative from a patient , took iniciative and contacted us. He saw this project through in the most caring way and made it a reality.

I am very proud of my partners Diana Eloff and Andrea Schwirtz for whom this has not been an easy task, we all were emotional at times and have our special corners in the hospital where we would have a small private cry, so many kind words from so many brave patients , it made us feel very humble.
Thank you all for having made this dream come through , Gisella du Mée & family

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